A growing number of hospitals are becoming more interested in a sustainable approach to healthcare design. There seems to be a lot of uncertainty, however, about implementing it. Concerns typically revolve around initial costs, schedule and return on investment. With an educated and organised design approach, implementing sustainable methods is not only becoming less costly, but also more the rule than the exception
The United States Green Building Council (USGBC) has developed a sustainable building guideline and rating system known as Leadership in Environmental and Energy Design (LEED). This system and the USGBC staff serve as a technical resource for the design and performance of all building types. Recently, the organisation completed LEED guidelines specific to healthcare facilities. These resources allow architects, engineers, and owners to make informed design and operational decisions about the design and planning of hospital facilities
While several hospitals have achieved LEED standards using office building guidelines, only two have achieved a LEED Gold Certification, and none yet have achieved Platinum. A third hospital, currently under review for Gold Certification using the new healthcare guidelines, is the Medical Center of the Rockies (MCR), in Loveland, Colorado
MCR, a 595,000 SF, 136 bed critical care facility, with combined centres of excellence in cardiac and trauma care, is an innovative example of a large new specialty hospital. Its 40-acre campus was developed from a vacant site and master-planned to ultimately accommodate a tripling of its initial size
Few hospitals have the opportunity to take advantage of the outdoor spaces like MCR does. A nature trail and wetlands, located directly in front of the facility, serve as part of the healing environment. However, even hospitals located in the tightest urban areas can take advantage of outdoor spaces by using concepts such as hardscaping, which requires less planting and maintenance and is more useful to patients, family and staff